jeudi 31 décembre 2009

visite à chaissac

vu gaston chaissac au musée de grenoble
il dit:

"Je suis artiste et c'est incurable, je suis capable de faire des choses que tout le monde ne peut pas faire, par conséquent, il m'est difficile de faire ce que tout le monde peut faire."
Lettre, 1943/44

... quelques mots cités en commentaire:
"Venu à paris pour la fin de son exposition, il rencontre dubuffet qui est frappé par son élégance et sa tristesse."

chaissac par doisneau

jeudi 24 décembre 2009

somebody lives here (again)

somebody lives here
and here
and also here
blessings merry xmas or what ever

mardi 22 décembre 2009

moby dick, check this blog site

Monday, December 21, 2009

MOBY-DICK, Page 110

Title: Men may seem detestable as joint stock-companies and nations; knaves, fools, and murderers there may be; men may have mean and meagre faces; but man, in the ideal, is so noble and so sparkling, such a grand and glowing creature, that over any ignominious blemish in him all his fellows should run to throw their costliest robes.

check out blog: one drawing for every page of moby dick
fascinating and wonderful!

vendredi 18 décembre 2009

snow over town+

"What sort of plays does she favor?"
"Christ, she told me and I fucking forgot."
DEADWOOD 3:1 sw. -> jack re: alma

samedi 28 novembre 2009

lily et son fiancé préféré, scott

la ribot + deadwood ct'd/suite

"Not throwing my hands up or my skirt over my head don't mean I ain't awestruck."
DEADWOOD 3:2 (Sw. to Hearst)

"And know that we are as much in the world in our pain as in our happiness"
DEADWOOD 2:8 (Alma to Sofia)

jeudi 26 novembre 2009

dimanche 22 novembre 2009

lundi, hosto, kremlin bicêtre

« So what did you tell her ? »

« Not to worry about your moods, that you generate those yourself…

and then you find your excuse for having them.”

« I’ll leave you now to pursue another excuse »


mardi 17 novembre 2009

bobigny dimanche (+ DDWD)

Aligné à gauche
- ... If you can sit beside someone and not stink or fart...
- I've been known to cut the odd fart - but they never stunk.
- I've got the self-same gift...
DEADWOOD 2:5 (jane cannery/nigger general fields)

andrew liles/steven stapleton

totally fabulous, improvised, rich, wacky music
the other night impromptu at beaubourg
AKA centre pompidou, but we call it beaubourg

check them out on myspace

rue volta - chantier - colors (+ DDWD)

- And you, M. Wolcott, I find you the most severe disappointment of all.
- Often to myself as well.
DEADWOOD 2:6 (Wolcott, Commissioner)

gentle walk thru paris streets (+DDWD quote)

- And if she pries and pokes and prods to elicit your intentions?

mercredi 28 octobre 2009

JR après la nuit blanche

peter bowen + parallel image

"You motherfucker," said Du Pré, "you got no right, do this to this old man. You bastards. You get your gun out slow, the others also. You drop them down. You got five seconds. Funny move, your brains are in Idaho."

"Do it," Hansen said to the other agents.

"Old man, I look for you, weeks, you old bastard, now you are here! I think you are white bones and coyote shit. Damn you!"
Madelaine ran to the old man and hugged him.
Benetse turned round and he grinned his old brown grin at Du Pré.
"I been, Canada," he said. "I left you note, you know, hanging on a bush, behind my house."

You can take this land but it makes you its own, he thought, got to be here some, it gets into your blood and bone and marrow and the dust colors your bones gold.
My country, this.

all from:

dimanche 25 octobre 2009

tozeur 3 le marché

tozeur 2 town

backwards - tozeur 1

long time!!!

my good (tee hee...), it's over a month since i've been here - a month and a day...

been sick: everyday brings a first and a sense of wonderment - walking beyond a block away, wearing jewelry, taking the subway, getting out of bed long enough to make it worth making the bed - not necessarily in that order

un mois depuis que je suis venue nourrir mon blog! incroyable!! après avoir été malade une pleine semaine, chaque jour est l'occasion d'une première et du délice qui va avec...

vu hier MY WINNIPEG by guy maddin (premier ciné) (please! why, when we leave the titles in V.O. and even give english titles to french films, Y then call this film WINNIPEG MON AMOUR... mystère...) en tout cas c'est formidable - it's wonderful, anyhow...

paroles de maddin interviewé pour l'occasion -
"En raison de mes ascendances nordiques, j'ai besoin de broyer du noir deux heures par jour: c'est par ça que je commence ma journée."
"Due to my northern origins, I need to feel blue two hours a day: that is what I do first thing every morning."

samedi 26 septembre 2009

chichi, los ma' lindo

second - chance - encounter with npr's storycore - so lovely - that'll be it for now mais...
vous ne perdez rien pour attendre. à+

samedi 12 septembre 2009

messages du jour, misc./back in paris

premiers mots entendus sur le sol français, sur la tarmac à la descente de l'avion: "c'est quoi ce bordel?"
ça donne le ton
à part ça, todo bem