jeudi 30 janvier 2014

wouldn't we all... for pete seeger

When I was younger my slippers were red,
I could kick up my heels clean over my head,
then I got older my slippers were blue,
but still I could dance the whole night through.

Now I'm much older,
my slippers are black,
I huff to the store and puff my way back,
but never you laugh, I don't mind at all,
I'd rather be huffing than not puff at all

mardi 28 janvier 2014

mercredi 22 janvier 2014

haiku 2000 / Provinciaux dans le métro

je n'y résiste pas
(old, untranslatable haiku)

     200100 Provinciaux dans le métro

     l'homme grommelle
     c'est pas là qu'faut l'met', bon sang
     c'est à l'aut' bout qu'faut l'met

mardi 21 janvier 2014

dead nature / vie immobile

junot diaz, Drown

     I had never been sad more than a few hours and the thought of that sensation lasting a lifetime scared the hell out of me.

                     p. 9 / Ysrael

     Holy shit, Cut said. I'm drooling all over myself.
     I looked over at him but he black stuble on his chin and neck was dry. This shit is potent, I said.
     That's the word I'm looking for. Potent.
     Strong, I said.

     ... Upstairs my neighbors have their own long night going and they're laying out all their cards about one another. Big cruel loud cards.
     Listen to that romance, she says.
     It's all sweet talk, I say. They're yelling because they're in love.

                     p. 47 and 52 / Aurora

     Do you smoke? I asked.
     It makes me break out, she said.
     Makes me sleepwalk.

                     p. 117 / Boyfriend


marquages au sol

mercredi 15 janvier 2014

justified 13/3

     "Well I guess we bes' both sleep with one eye open."

     "I always do."

                               JUSTIFIED SEASON 3 EPISODE 13
                               boyd crowder and ellstin limehouse

dessins / drawings merce cunningham

marguerite duras, la vie tranquille

     "Avant moi, il n'y avait rien à ma place. Maintenant il y a moi à la place de rien.../... Voilà. Me voilà là. Je m'étire. Il fait beau. Je suis une farine au soleil."

     "Alors il ne faut plus troubler ces lentes flammes droites, il ne faut pas dire un mot qui voudrait dire qu'on a le moindre avis sur quoi que ce soit. Il faut se remettre à neuf dans l'ignorance."

     "Chaque jour, je pourrais mourir mais jamais je ne meurs. Chaque jour, je crois en savoir d'avantage qu'hier, juste de quoi mourir. J'oublie qu'hier c'était la même chose. Jamais je ne meurs." 

dimanche 5 janvier 2014

Louvre / travaux / la nature dans la ville / nature on the rocks

Downton Abbey, for JnJ/MSO

     "I tried it with this and I tried it with that until it yielded."
                         the valet Moseley, (re: a mark on a sleeve)

     "No Englishman would think of dying in someone else's house."
                         the grandmother lady (re: Turkish visitor)

                                                           both  in  Downton Abbey season 1