vendredi 11 mai 2012


sorry about peculiar layout - the machine does as it wishes & i abide

            “If you can’t live with it, don’t ever get into law enforcement.”
            “If I can’t live with what?”
            “Being told what to do, having superiors.”
            Dale Junior said, “Oh,” slowing down and braking  for a yellow light turning red, thinking, Jesus, what I always wanted to do, get into law enforcement."

            “ ‘No man who has ever passed a month in death cells believes in cages for beasts.’ You know who wrote that, you dumb fucks? Ezra Pound, that’s who. Ez was a very dear friend of mine.”
            Louis found Chip in the kitchen making himself a Bloody Mary and asked him, “Who’s Ezra Pound?”
            Chipe said, “Ezra Pound,” stirring his drink and then pausing, “He was a heavyweight. Beat Joe Louis for the crown and lost it to Marciano. Or was it Jersey Joe Walcott?”

            “The sole responsibility of Raylan’s group was Rudi. If he tried to run, demonstrate, or threaten the court, “We will assit him,” Milt said, “in regaining his composure”

                         all from  ELMORE LEONARD _ RIDING THE RAP

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