mardi 29 octobre 2013

ripley hugo / for JnJ on wylie too

and when i stood beside him, he told
me, "I need to be way out here when
dark comes. I need to see where 
the colors go." He meant, when colors
go from the grass, from the stones,
when they drown in the water, go
somewhere they know but we don't.
"I take them  inside me," I said.
He smiled, added softly, "And keep them
for morning, I know."

              in ON THE RIGHT WIND

haiku rain / pluie / for abigail

          matin venteux je

          ne suis pas seule à n'avoir pas
          pressenti la pluie

          windy morning i'm

          not alone having not
          anticipated rain

            can't resist doing the 5-7-5 bit, even if it means weird seizure - 
            may need tweaking

lundi 28 octobre 2013


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+ comments/legend
CO-PRODUCED by DAVID BOWIE Seconds 0:01 Max's Kansas City, NYC 0:20 Holly Woodlawn-Still Living-Heiress to Woodlawn :) Cemetery.0:52 Candy Darling-Heroin overdose 1: 38 Paul Morrissey-Still Alive-Ultra conservative. 1:44 Joe Dallesandro-Woof!-Still alive-Manages apartment complex in LA 2:07 Maureen Tucker-Still alive-Brother gave band it's name. 2:20 Viva-suicide from 7th floor, NYC 2:26 Andy Warhol-2 sad 2 speak of. 2:46 Jackie Curtis-Heroin overdose 3:37 Ronnie Ross-Tutored Bowie on Saxs.

and a thought for dear Laurie Anderson

samedi 26 octobre 2013

poor old lost turnip in the rain + / pauvre pauvre vieux navet perdu sous la pluie

we are in the world, and we must live

bribe de texte extraite d'un écran d'Immemory de Chris Marker
actuellement au centre pompidou - 
dont je ne sais pas à qui il doit être attribué

words: in Immemory by Chris Marker

vendredi 11 octobre 2013

jack gilbert / finding something

Michiko is dying in the house behind me,


The arches of her feet are like voices
of children calling in the grove of lemon trees,
where my heart is as helpless as crushed birds.

          in THE GREAT FIRES, poems 1982-1992
                                         by JACK GILBERT

mardi 8 octobre 2013

elmore leonard, maximum bob 2

      "Is Elvin around?"

      This time he hesitated. "I'm sorry, who?"

      "I thought we were getting along," Kathy said. "You like my hair, I like yours. Why spoil it?"

three sisters - deschutes national forest


vendredi 4 octobre 2013

RIP elmore leonard

"Elvin looked at her with the pizza box on his mind and told her to hit the road. She said, 'Well, pardon me all to hell,' and slid off the stool."