lundi 30 juin 2014

fairies over the crib at dental clinic

on looking ct'd

   ... What were charmingly called "lunatics" in the nineteenth century were said to smell "like yellow dear or mices" (that presupposes that one knows what those animals smell like; perhaps once you get the chance to smell a lunatic, it becomes obvious).

   Alexandra Horowitz, On Looking, p. 310

haiku - la merlesse /she blackbird again

elle chante - ça fait longtemps
que je ne vous ai pas parlé
d'elle la merlesse


she's singing out there -
it's been a while since i told you
 about the blackbird


dimanche 22 juin 2014

haiku flowers fragrances friendships

     pour abigail

ballade soleil et ombre
je t'en rapporte l'odeur
des chèvrefeuilles


     pour agnès

bords de seine le parfum
des tilleuls me rappelera
toujours berlin

charles wright / body and soul

Landscape, as Wang Wei says, softens the sharp edges of isolation.
Don't just do something, sit there.

          Charles Wright

          "Body and Soul II"