dimanche 10 août 2014

sherman alexie, The Absolutely True Diary... for jérémie who introduced me, betty who follows on twitter, irina who has yet to discover

... I realized that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian, I belonged to that tribe, but i also belonged to the tribe of American immigrants and to the tribe of basketball players and to the tribe of bookworms  and to the tribe of cartoonists and to the tribe of chronic masturbators and the tribe of teenage boys and the tribe of small-town kids and the tribe of Pacific North Westerners and the tribe of tortilla chips and salsa lovers and the tribe of poverty and the tribe of funeral goers and the tribe of beloved sons,  and the tribe of boys who really missed their best friend. It was a huge realization. And that's when I knew that I was going to be OK . But it also reminded me of  the people who were not going to be OK. It made me think of Rowdy. I missed him so much!  I wanted to find him and hug him and beg him to forgive me for leaving.


1 commentaire:

Betty a dit…

Bonne !

He is always absolutely true. Some this book is in a required reading for university freshman english.