mercredi 26 décembre 2012

richard hugo - for ripley and the people on wylie

for ripley on wylie avenue who died and for my people there  -

      Some places are forever afternoon.
      Across the road and a short field
      there is the river, split and yellow
      and this far down affected by the tide.

              From  West Marginal Way
              InA Run of Jacks [1961]

it could be so many other lines, from poems or letters or dreams - all such good company in the night.

vendredi 21 décembre 2012

haiku paris 13

le vent souffle un crachin
froid sous néons rouges 

et demie lune mouillée

mardi 4 décembre 2012

C.D. Wright Cooling Time [random 1] for meg in chicago

It falls on the sweet neck of poetry to keep the rain-pitted face of love from leaving us once and for all.
p. 53

Quoting Tranströmer:

                 We got dressed and showed the house
                 You live well the visitor said
                 The slum must be inside you.
p. 54

Quoting Simone Weil:
     "One is never got out of the cave, one comes out of it."
p. 55