mercredi 16 juillet 2014

richard ford, rock springs

     ..."He ran sixty yard after she hit him, and went down when he jumped the fence," Bonnie said authoritatively. "It was a heart shot, and sometimes those take time to take effect."
    "He ran like a scalded dog," Phyllis said, "and dropped like a load of shit." Phyllis had short blond hair and a hard mouth that seemed to want to say hard things.
     "We saw a wounded doe too," Bonnie said and looked aggravated about it. "That really makes you mad."
     "The man may have tracked it, though," I said. "It may have been a mistake. You can't tell about those things."
     "That's true enough," Bonnie said and looked at Phyllis hopefully, but Phyllis didn't look up. I tried to imagine the two of them dragging a dead deer out of the woods, and it was easy.


mardi 15 juillet 2014

haiky rêve / heart

a man whose torso
is a torso-sized heart dark
pink not bloody red

un homme dont le torse
est un cœur grand comme un torse
rose mauve pas rouge sang


haiku (not a) blackbird / (pas) un merle

ce matin pas un merle
un homme siffle dans ma rue
gai fort et faux


today not a blackbird
a man whistling below
cheerful loud off-key


subway scenes (somebody lives here) / métro

chiharu shiota @ galerie templon 2

the piano is miniature, the trombone below is real

samedi 5 juillet 2014

diverging views / opinions divergentes

"Portrait of Artist Bill Ohrmann - Be Thou Always As A Guest" by Sean O'Brien"

heureuse coincidence, ceci, à la suite de l'enfant sous le regard des fées...

... coincidentally and pleasingly so, after the babe in the crib, this